Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The reasons behind my failure to update this blog regularly

The avid readers of my blog will surely have noticed that I don't post regularly (in fact, my long silence may be the reason there no longer are any avid readers of this blog.) Part of this stems from the fact that I feel much less creative when confronted with a blank computer screen than, say, with a gleaming white sheet of paper.
Another, and probably more decisive factor, would be my perfectionism. Although it may not seem so from, for example, the spatial organization of my room, I am quite meticulous when it comes to things such as writing, which is why I take weeks to reply to e-mails (yes, that's the real reason) and months to publish a single post on my blog.
For me to feel something is well-written and worth submitting to the eyes of the general public, I have to like the look, the feel, the sound and the smell of the words.
Yes, I am obsessed with words. Otherwise, why would I be spending the best years of my life hunched over copious dictionaries, descriptive grammar and past subjunctives of four languages?

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