Saturday, November 17, 2007

The festival is on its merry way!

This last week has been very, very hectic for me. Being the coordinator of an international mime festival and having to juggle between afore-mentioned bureaucratic procedures resulting from the fact that I work in a regional self-government-financed institution and the demands of my three bosses has basically taken over all of my time and most of my thoughts.
My bosses are, respectively:
a) the Artistic Director (henceforth referred to as AD). A well-known mime artist, actor, stage director. He spends his time between attempting to oversee all the technical details of the festival (which should be left to the coordinator and organizational director, methinks). He manifests his supervision by inquiring one week before the festival if the invited artists have a hotel reserved and airplane tickets bought, and oh my goodness, what about transportation?
He also is known for insinuating that the Organizational Director and Coordinator (my humble self) are scheming against him. His latest accomplishment was a long sermon in which he expressed his worry at the 'negative energy' he felt emanating from Coordinator., which negative energy was no doubt no way related to the fact that the said Coordinator has spent the last three weeks working overtime and hence has had her personal and emotional life reduced to a bare minimum.
AD is frequently accompanied by his stage designer, an elderly lady who is known to add on her insightful comments to contracts she signs, comments in which she stipulates amendments which are simply re-wordings of conditions already set forth in the said contract. She also occasionally doesn't realize she didn't hang up her cell phone while perorating about the deficiencies of the Coordinator to the AD, who is her bosom friend, and then is guilt-stricken. Her guilt lasts only long enough for her to induce her to limit her stormy visits to Coordinator's office to one a week, not three a day.
AD also has parented multiple artistic offspring. The students of AD are class unto themselves. They have inherited all the 'artistic' behavior of AD with only a fraction of his talent. Their unannounced visits to Coordinator's office are always badly-timed, and frequently also stormy. Not content to have their names alongside great mime artists, they blame Coordinator for not having 10 tickets each to give away to their adopted daughter's ex-boyfriend's mother's Hawaiian yoga instructor. AD's students are oblivious to the fact that the reason there are no tickets or places in the audience results from their beloved AD's artistic vision, which limits seating to 80 places. They are known to call three times a day with the same question and then visit Coordinator's office in the hope that they will receive a different answer.
My other bosses are slightly easier to handle, but also very characteristic, and their portraits will no doubt appear in my next posts.
I am completely saturated with pantomime these last few weeks, which is somewhat surprising in the sense that I have, as of yet, never witnessed a 'true' pantomime performance (which, as they tell me, is something very different from the gold-ensconced motionless figures standing on street corners in all European capitals and breaking their stillness at the drop of a coin).
My saturation level has reached the point where my boyfriend appears in my dreams only to argue with me... by pantomime. I wake up, paralyzed, begging - "Please, God, NO!"
But today I think that even if these nightmares are recurrent, in 10 days this will all be over.

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